in 1492 columbus sailed the ocean blue... [ 2002-10-09, 7:27 p.m. ]

and then a bunch of europeans followed him over and committed slow and torturous genocide on native americans.

i was somewhat horrified when my 5-year-old charge came home from school today spouting some very outdated history regarding columbus and the subsequent "colonization" of north america. i know that at his age they can't be too heavy but would it be so wrong to MENTION that there were people here who suffered horribly at the hands of the so-called colonists? also, his teacher is having a woman from the local historical society come in and talk to them about native americans next week. not 5 miles from his school is one of the best native american cultural centers in the country - how hard would it have been to at least try to get an actual native american to come talk to them?

i don't get pc too often but this bugs the hell out of me.

thisaway - thataway

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