Gooood morning. [ 2003-04-05, 7:51 a.m. ]

~~~The niece will be arriving on my doorstep sometime this evening. I'm in a kind of odd headspace these days, but she's very mellow and I'm sure we'll have a good time.

~~~A problematic friend has requested use of my couch for two nights next week and I am torn between wanting to help this person and NOT wanting him in my living space. He's a good person at heart but not very responsible or trustworthy.

~~~I had a dream last night about someone I know being eaten by an alligator. He kept sticking his head in the alligator's mouth and saying "See? It won't bite me?" and then it ate him. This sounds funny as I write it but I actually woke up in a cold sweat.

~~~Why have so many people sought me out for advice this week? I feel completely incapable of advising anyone on anything right now.

~~~Anticipatory mood.

~~~Said mood occasionally interrupted with small prickles of doubt but overall feeling is still good.

~~~The Upanishads are wonderful.

thisaway - thataway

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