Aaaaaarrrrghhhhhh! [ 2003-04-06, 11:33 p.m. ]

Enough already.

The good part of my evening--meeting the man they call Jozka for a few drinks at La Estrella de Oro.

Shift focus to: bad parts of evening.

Walking home, about a half-block from my house, I run into one Leeds Man, with whom I have a somewhat strained relationship. Leeds Man says, "Laura, I could really use a beer and some decent conversation - how about inviting me in?" Caught off guard and under the influence of my two-beer max, I stupidly say yes. What Leeds Man really wants is to shove his tongue down my throat in a years-too-late attempt at seduction. (I harbored a crush on him a while back but it has been mightily dismissed as I have seen the way he blows through women.) I deflect the tongue and the pass only to have to listen to a good 20 minutes of whining, after which point I send him on his merry way.

Exit Leeds Man, enter Neighbor, who wants to store some stuff in my apartment. Stuff she is afraid her moving-out-tomorrow roommate might steal. No prob...but then Neighbor decides she wants to stay and chat/vilify the roommate for 45 minutes, when all I really want to do is go the hell to bed.

Shift focus to: me signing on to check email and finding that the flaming Yahoo envelope contains only another pitiful plea from Troubled Friend requesting use of my couch tomorrow night. I write back telling him yes but ONE NIGHT and no shenanigans. I know this could lead to trouble but I cannot turn my back on him. Everyone else has told him no and I think he has enough respect for me that he will be a good overnight houseguest and then go. We shall see if this theory holds water.

Wherever you are tonight, think of me and know that I am thinking of you.

thisaway - thataway

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