Well...I...that is... [ 2003-04-29, 5:59 a.m. ]

I can't say I feel regretful but I do feel a loss. A forced issue in some respects...but I think that certain things were feeding my tendency toward melancholy and this will help. It's rude to dis-invite someone from the party but I think he should have done that himself weeks ago...I am not a petty person...However, it was beginning to feel like I had a permanent houseguest who was silently taking everything I have and leaving nothing. A little self-protection was in order, I do believe...


So, what the hell was that all about? Somethin'.


I can't remember any dreams this morning...odd. And it seems I have become a morning person, which is problematic because I am also still the night owl I've always been...I need more sleep.


Would it lower your opinion of me if I said I find Liam Lynch's music amusing?


What if I said I just ate Tater Tots for breakfast?


Okay, what if I said I killed someone with my bare hands?


Okay, then.

thisaway - thataway

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