I am zee Viper. [ 2003-11-05, 7:58 p.m. ]

When I leave work now, younger charge hugs me and says, "Don't forget to send us lots of postcards!" or "Is this the day you're moving to Texas?". Tonight I told him that on my last day with them, we will go out for dinner and I will say a long goodbye to him and his brother...but I think he's still confused.


This has been a strange week...There are things I would like to write about but I think it would be considered stirring the pot in a certain situation and once again the anonymity issue is brought to the fore...I guess I will say that while I can be quick to anger, I am just as quick to recover...but not so quick on the recovery from hurt feelings. I'm not particularly sensitive but when something gets to me, it usually gets in deep. And my emotions are running a little higher than usual these days, which I am sure is complicating the whole issue. Confused? Me too.


While I was out at my mom's last weekend, I found a video treatment I did in college for a JD Salinger story. At the time, I wrote ol' JD a letter and actually received a short note from him, which I stupidly lost somewhere along the winding road of my life. However, I still have a scrap of paper from Tony Randall, whom I met in the lobby of a hotel in NYC and who made me spit out my gum before he would sign for me. (I swear to God that's a true story.)


And now...to bathe, perchance to read the Enquirer.


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