My! Day! So! Far! [ 2003-11-27, 1:25 p.m. ]

The zoo! Younger charge pooped on by a pigeon! Younger charge crying hysterically and screaming that he hates ALL BIRDS FOREVER!!! (He does have bad luck with birds, for some reason) Cheese fries with lunch! Photobooth pics of the three of us that I will treasure forever! Monkeys! Requisite creepy guy in the Penguin House! Christmas decorations everywhere that prompted older charge to ask "What about Hannukah?"! Relentless whining when I told them we weren't going in the gift shop! Long drive home during which younger charge informed me that he was going to "heave"! Thankfully, he didn't!




After work I am going to try to knock off a large portion of my Christmas shopping and then I will go home and sleep....sleep...sleep...only after I smoke a few of Veg's cigs, of course. (tee hee)


Plans for tomorrow: talk about what we're cooking, cook, eat too much, rest, eat some more even though we're all still full, sleep.


Can I move now?


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