The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of cake and stuff. [ 2005-02-03, 4:31 p.m. ]

Sorry, Miss Janette, but we won't be availing ourselves of your services. Holy crap. S. once attended a wedding that featured the armadillo cake - the red velvet armadillo cake that in S.'s words, looked like "slabs of frosted raw meat" when sliced. Yum!
The hellacious cold/bronchial thing is waning but I am still having to take nasty antibiotics that have given me a yeast infection (See? Cake-related!) and some phlegm-be-gone pills that smell and taste like stale pee. (No I haven't actually tasted stale pee.) I did look up the antibiotic online and found that it's also used to clear up the clap so...whew...dodged that wedding-night bullet.
In other news, less than half of the invitees to our wedding have rsvp'd on time to which I say, you just bought yourselves a seat at the kids' table. And there will be many kids at this wedding. I wish I could sick someone on them but sadly, I cannot. Seriously though, we stuck a fucking stamp on the reply card, can you people not make a check-mark and return it on time?!
And on that note, I bid you fond, if temporary, adieu.

thisaway - thataway

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