M to the Mama. [ 2005-11-02, 6:08 a.m. ]

My mom is coming in tonight. When I spoke with her at 10:30 last night she was in the midst of writing a grant proposal and expected to be up all night doing so. She is 74 years old. When I'm 74, I expect to have small children (or perhaps a trained monkey clad in a teeny butler's uniform) bringing me cocktails and that'll be about the extent of my day.

Conversation with the older charge yesterday:
(He is staring at me.)
Me: What's on your mind, T?
T: I was looking at you and thinking something.
Me: What were you thinking?
T:(sighs) I was just thinking that you look so beautiful with that diaper on your shoulder.
Me: Thanks, T!

S. and I ate a an alleged Greek restaurant this week. I say alleged because I've eaten more authentic Greek food at gyros stands in Chicago. The dearth of authentic ethnic food in this town still amazes me. Yes, there is also a dearth of ethnic people here, but it is a university town and you'd think at least a few a'them furners would have made it in the restaurant business here. Come to Austin, Greek people! I need spanokopita! Stat!

Halloween was dull, as predicted. S. and I watched the Exorcist and were just about to turn off the lights when our lone trick-or-treater from last year showed up with a friend. We dumped half a bowl of candy into each of their bags and called it a night. The only other kids on our blocks are the homeschooled fundamentalist Christians across the street, who don't trick-or-treat because baby Jesus doesn't want kids to have any fun.

On that snarky note, I bid you adieu.

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