Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery... [ 2005-12-12, 8:18 p.m. ]

...but it's also fucking annoying. If you are so completely desperate for ideas that you have to take them from this stupid page, then you should just give it up. 'Nuff said.

Quiet weekend in Lassville. I did manage to dig out from under my pile of neglected work and Christmas wrapping to find that two important writing deadlines had flown right by me. Whoops.

S. and I drove around in search of holiday lights last night and by far the saddest display we saw was the tree in front of the Capitol, which has lights that look like they were strung by a ladderless team of midgets. I offer as proof this very crappy picture which looks like it was taken by...well, me.

The big news of the week is that S. got an unprecedented personal request for his culinary talents and I just want to tell you, the great unwashed internet at large, how proud I am of him. Way to go, hon! He is a wonderful person, professionally and otherwise.

And just to counter that sappy stuff, HERE'S some remarkable graphomania from someone who (from what I could gather from a quick scan) thinks he's the offspring of Julie Andrews and Hitler.

thisaway - thataway

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