Conversations. [ 2006-03-14, 9:16 p.m. ]

Overheard at Galaxy Cafe tonight:

Guy(to cashier): What kind of soup do you have?
Cashier: We have tomato, chicken, tortilla and it's not soup but we also have turkey chili.
Guy: What is that?
Cashier: It's like chili...but it has turkey in it.
Guy: Ok, I'll have that.


Convo with the older charge earlier today:

T: Are dragons real?
Me: No, they're imaginary creatures...pretend...made up by someone.
T: Ok. But if I ever see a dragon somewhere, I'm going to do this. (sticks his arm straight out, balls up his fist and growls - he calls this doing "tiger hand"). That would scare him so much.
Me: I think tiger hand would definitely scare a dragon.
T: (thinks about it for a minute, then asks nervously) Are tigers bigger than dragons?


I also had a heartwrenching conversation with my 21-year-old niece, whose boyfriend is putting some classic dickhead moves on her right now. I mostly listened and was sympathetic but what I really wished I could do was put her in a time machine and take her into her future where this guy will be a barely-remembered blip on the show her that she can go through heartbreak and come out of it stronger...but I can't.


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