The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. [ 2006-06-01, 6:44 p.m. ]

Ten hours stuck in a house with a cranky 3-year-old and his teething baby brother = MIGRAINE. Oy.

Older charge was so dramatically crabby all day that I finally called him on it and told him to knock it the hell off. (Not in those exact words, mind you, but he got the message).
I did get a good laugh out of my day when he asked me what book I'd been reading during his nap.

Charge: What is that book you were reading?
Me: It's called "A Short History of Nearly Everything".
Charge: (In an incredulous tone) Laura. How could all that fit into one book?
In other news, our house prospects have taken a sudden turn for the better (I think) but it's making me nervous. We've been renting this property and the out-of-state owner, who had made noises about selling it, passed away last weekend. He has only one heir, who is married and lives out of state so I'm hoping she'll want to unload it quickly and cheaply. Keep your fingers crossed, won't you? This has always felt like our house.
The fallout from mystery bro's engagement announcement continues in the form of frequent phone calls from my nieces during which I have to maintain a delicate balance of trying to help them work through it without saying what I really think about the situation. They're both adults now and I know they can tell when I'm not being completely open with them but I still feel like I need to remain somewhat neutral so that they find their own way in all this. (If this paragraph makes any sense at all, you're as tired as I am.)
And now, I'm off to play with the wee little Bookworm, who has lately become my best friend in times of stress. Mmm.....words....

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