Mother of five. [ 2006-09-09, 4:25 p.m. ]

Had a long phone conversation with my sister this afternoon. Her oldest (almost 16) was recently involved in what a few years ago would have been considered a prank but because of the world we live in, the police were called. He dared some friends to throw a smoke bomb into a store in their town, the friends did it, were caught on camera and ratted him out as the supplier of said smoke bomb. It bothers me that we live in a world where generic teenage dumbassery is considered prosecutable. I'm also completely appalled at my nephew's lack of judgement, but still.
Also spoke with mystery bro. about our mom, who is horribly, horribly depressed. He's going to check in on her this week and suggest she see a counselor. I suggested the same to her on the phone this week and was met by silence...then a change of subject. I'm hoping she'll listen to him, although I suspect she'll make some rude comment about him keeping his professional opinions (he's a psychologist) to himself.
Also feeling guilty because one of my nieces, whom I love dearly but who is intense to the point of hysteria on a regular basis, called me this week to sob and bitch about her on/off boyfriend...and I didn't call her back. Well, I did, but I waited until a time when I knew the crisis would have passed.
Also overusing the word also. Also overusing it in grammatically incorrect fashion. Also typically use pretty sloppy sentence structure and grammar in my writing here anyway. Also don't give a rat's ass.

thisaway - thataway

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