
Laura - 2006-07-06 20:37:22
Comment test.
rs536-2000 - 2006-07-06 22:04:15
I gave my diary url to a friend today and she read 60 entries. I saw her tonight and I was thinking about you and your invader the whole time.
Julia - 2006-07-07 07:29:21
I once gave my url to someone who must then have read every single thing I'd ever written. That was a little odd, even though I'd given permission. I guess you don't expect these things to be read all at once? How are the projects coming, Ms. Lass?
Harriet - 2006-07-07 13:33:19
I mentioned my blog in passing to an acquaintance and I think she must have tracked it down. She hasn't confessed to reading, but she said some things to me today that are based on information she could only have found out from the blog. I don't really mind that she reads. I just wish she'd be straightforward about it. I'm trying to decide whether I should confront it or not.

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