found it. [ 2002-08-27, 7:16 p.m. ]

s. recently got in contact with me and this always brings up a well of emotions, not all of them good. he is coming over from amsterdam sometime this fall. seeing him is always a somewhat gut-wrenching experience but i think i might be in the mood for some real emotion, especially in light of recent events.

despite the tension inherent in seeing him, i will never, ever forget the night he copied this quote out of a book he was reading, handed it to me and with the lightest of kisses was gone.

"Oh what a sweet creature you are", I said. "I am sitting here in love with you, right now I am your captive entirely. There is nothing to do about it. You are the strangest person...sometimes your eyes shine so, I've never seen anything like it, they look like flowers. I am head over heels in love with you, and it won't do me a bit of good."

thisaway - thataway

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