Every trip spawns a tale... [ 2003-04-05, 2:47 p.m. ]

Grocery store tales, part 28:

As I was perusing the aisles of my local Whole Foods, trying to find a spice I need for the dinner I'm making tonight, I was approached by someone I'll call Scrawny. Scrawny apparently had scanned the contents of my shopping cart and found something not to his liking:

Scrawny: You really shouldn't drink that brand of soy milk.

Me: *Blank stare*

Scrawny: They're having labor problems. They're treating their workers like total shit.

Me: *Looking at his Chuck Taylors, which are probably stitched by 8-year-olds in Indonesia* Oh well.

Scrawny: Dude, don't you care?

Me: Right now, no, I don't.

Scrawny: Man.

Some kind of weird grocery karma demands that every trip I make involves an encounter with some kind of idiot. Sigh.

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