Mojo. [ 2003-04-21, 9:29 p.m. ]

There are some strange things happening and I'm not sure if i should chalk them up to coincidence, magic, or wishful thinking...


Nina Simone died yesterday.


The charges and I spent most of the afternoon designing and building an elaborate Hot Wheels track - it took up half the playroom. There is nothing quite like the utter glee with which a three-year-old can fling a small metal car down a plastic ramp. It was a good day.


Despite brief bouts of irritation and self-pity --which D. has finally convinced me just means I'm human and I shouldn't feel so bad about-- I am still feeling really good overall. There is definitely a weird mix of confusion and calm to my psyche lately but I'm dealing with it...Or perhaps I have finally, irrevocably lost my mind. If so, it's really not that bad...bring on the basket-weaving materials...


So...come here often? Yeah? Me too...I thought you looked familiar... I mean


Riddle me this: have I filled this space with enough self-indulgent drivel lately?


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