P.U. [ 2003-06-16, 8:14 p.m. ]

I just got home -- my usual 45 minute beach walk took me less than a half-hour. I was booking because there are piles (and I mean BIG piles) of dead alewives all along the shore. It was so rank and there were sections where I had no choice but to walk through them, crunching and popping their little fishy bodies as I went. Yuck.


And because I neglected to go grocery shopping this weekend, dinner is a piece of leftover tofu teriyaki and a bowl of cereal. That's good eatin'!


I took the kids to the Grove today and we had a great time until a rooster took off after younger charge...probably scarred him for life, the poor kid. But we had a nice walk, saw frogs and turtles in the pond, ate a snack outside the big fake tepee (tipi? teepee?) and generally enjoyed a gorgeous afternoon.


Tomorrow I get to be errand girl instead of nanny and that's fine with me. I am feeling very impatient these days and that's not good with kids around...So tomorrow will find me driving all over the various chi-chi shops and malls of the North Shore, returning the charges' mom's unwanted birthday gifts...


Tensions are already rising regarding the big family reunion next month...I am driving my own car so I can get the hell out of there when I need to. Yippee.


This is going to be a busy week and weekend for me, which is probably a good thing. Some friends are coming in from Tucson this weekend, so I'll have to play tour guide for them. They are easily amused, so it shouldn't be too difficult.


Shower time.

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