My Bizarre Life. [ 2003-06-20, 2:44 p.m. ]

This morning I took the charges to the MSI to see the "Monster Trucks" exhibit (hey, kids like big trucks's not exclusively a redneck thing ya know...) As we were waiting in line to enter, I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Man-I-Almost-Married standing there. I haven't seen him in over five years and it took me a minute to even register his face...It turns out he was one of the exhibit's he accompanied us through. It was very strange.


And stranger still...the exhibit KICKS MAJOR ASS! There is a ton of hands-on stuff for kids to do and we had a really good time. The charges dared me to go on the gyroscope (aka "the Vomit Machine" according to our escort), but I declined. There are two actual monster trucks parked in the exhibit, one that you can climb up into, which thrilled the charges to death.


We parted ways with Almost-Married dude at the end of the exhibit and I think I may be getting a phone call this week...I am too fraught with other issues to deal with this right now.


thisaway - thataway

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