Too much monkey business [ 2003-06-28, 2:33 a.m. ]

and not enough bananas to go around.


Had dinner with VEG and JUSTIN this evening. All was lovely and I think Veg and I bonded further over our ease at sharing food off each other's plates. (My family does this as a rule, without asking, and I have often found myself in awkward social situations after asking for/taking a taste of something...). We then proceeded to Club Foot for a couple of drinks with Specky and KT. After this, Veg wisely bailed on the evening and Justin and I proceeded to drink ourselves silly...yes, we closed the Gold Star. And such a good move for me, the migraine lady.


Justin and I discussed the finer points of dland etiquette, movies and the menstrual cycle, in case anyone is interested...


Guess which one of the above I introduced to the conversation? Haw haw haw...


Okay, sleep. Now.

thisaway - thataway

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