Nice day. [ 2003-08-05, 11:36 a.m. ]

Took the charges to the Botanic Garden, where we wandered around through the sculpture exhibit with maps and stickers. (Each time the charges spotted one of the sculptures, they put a sticker on their maps.) Then we sat outside at the cafe and had a snack which was nice until a bird landed on the arm of younger charge's chair and scared the hell out of him. (This is the same kid who was chased by a chicken at the Grove a few months ago.) He was completely hysterical -- I had to hold him on my lap and he kept sobbing and saying "Lo-wah, I don't want ANY birds to like me ANYmore!" The child is not destined to be a nature lover...


There are other things going on this afternoon which is good because it's not giving me too much time to wish I was at home waiting by my mailbox. Which I would be doing if I were home today. Waiting. By the mailbox. For mail. Hahaha.


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