Remember to slow down, Little Grasshopper... [ 2003-10-21, 8:54 a.m. ]

My anxiety level reached ridiculous proportions yesterday, over the stupidest things...and then I meditated and things fell back into their proper place. *Sigh*.


VEG and I have decided that there should be some kind of pie delivery service in this town. Pies For the Pieless. Something like that. Will someone get right on that, please? And make mine cherry. Thanks.


Is there anything more heinous than an NPR pledge drive? I think not. Although yesterday's drive was livened up by a testy rant by JEROME MCDONNELL. I think Worldview is the best show on WBEZ and I can only imagine how chafed he is by the popularity of Trixie Helfrich, but Jerome...rise above, buddy!


I was searching for something this morning and came across THIS... which is so lame it got me thinking about why people create their own websites...and then I remembered one I really like a lot: WES CLARK'S AVOCADO MEMORIES. He is a little obsessive, but there is something completely charming about this guy. (Also, I spent my younger years living near Burbank so the site holds a nostalgic aspect for me...)


Must go be productive.


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