I looked at my watch, I looked at my wrist, I punched myself in the face with my fist... [ 2003-10-29, 4:41 a.m. ]

I woke up at 4am and after a half-hearted attempt to return to sweet slumber, got up.


Talked with S. twice last night...he sounded very stressed out by everything, including, I think, a conversation he had with his mom...Neither of our moms is too keen on all of this happening so fast...despite the fact that S. and I are well past the age of consent. I think the gist of it is that they are both worriers...and that they will calm down over time...


I am being sought out for advice by all sides this week and I feel like I have none to give. Last week wore me out...too much trauma at the daycare center...worrying about having the conversation with the charges...and Sunday I delivered a birthday gift to someone and it was pretty evident from his reaction that he was less-than-thrilled with his gift...so, blah.


Yes, blah.


On the upside, I found an aerial picture of the house last night...pretty cool. And a lot of lawn that will need to be mowed...S. was over there this week taking pictures and he told me he found another old shed at the back of the lot that contained a bunch of old bottles and stuff...it'll be fun to see what's in there.


I made the band boys downstairs happy yesterday by giving them about three years' worth of old MOJO and Uncut magazines...one of several collections of crap I found in the back of my storage space yesterday...


This Friday I'll work at the daycare and then go trick-or-treating with my sister's kids, including 2-year-old A., who has decided to be a ballerina with skunk ears, primarily because her big brothers keep telling her she can't be both.


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