Wildlife fun with Lass. [ 2004-04-15, 9:26 a.m. ]

Last night around 10pm I heard what I thought was S.'s cats on the carport. Thinking they were hungry, I scooped up some food to take out to them, opened the door and was greeted by the sight of the opossum eating the cats' food while the two kitties looked bewilderedly on from a safe distance. S. chased it off (although "chase" is a relative term because opossums don't move very quickly). I looked at S.'s cats and yelled in my best Mr. Burns voice "Stop him! He's slowly getting away!". Oh, I slay me.


Anyhoo, thanks to the wonder that is the internet, I know now more about opossums than I ever thought would be necessary. Did you know the opossum is the only marsupial mammal native to North America? If you really feel a need to find out more about them, read it here. It seems the only thing we can do to discourage the little dickens is feed the cats during daylight hours.


In other exciting news, I was up almost all night fretting over this job offer, then berating myself for fretting over a really good job offer, then fretting some more about whether it would be fulfilling enough, then wondering if I am just, underneath it all, a lazy bitch who only works because she has to. Interspersed with the fretting were some weird dreams, including one in which David Bowie and I were having lunch. He ended every sentence with my name --("Would you like another sandwich, Laura? That's very interesting, Laura. Yes, I am the Thin White Duke, Laura")--to the point where I was having trouble stifling a sarcastic snort at his expense. God help me.


Newest cool discovery on the property: our back field is suddenly filled with paperwhites that have sprung up after a week of rain. I think we would have had even more but I mowed some of the shoots down a few weeks ago, not knowing what they were...oops. I want to go out there and separate them and tranplant some of the bulbs into the front flower beds but I think I should probably wait til fall to do so.


Okay, off to fret some more. Yippee.


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