Wedding update [ 2005-03-07, 3:11 p.m. ]

We are now about 19 days out and I am happy to say that I finally took my dress in to be hemmed ($80.00 for a $150 dress - stupid asymetrical hem...), S. went out yesterday and bought a suit, we ordered a cake and all I have left to do is take my pretty-pretty princess shoes to be dyed.
My mom is coming down a week beforehand to help out/drive us crazy with last minute details. She's going to do all the table decorations so I'm hoping those will keep her busy and out of my hair. Other friends and relations are also coming down early so we should have plenty of help getting things set up. Which is good because S. has a 100-person hors'dourve party that Thursday night. It's for one of his "can't-say-no-to-them" clients but he probably should have said no anyway. He will be a tired fellow by Saturday but at that point all we have to do is look pretty and get loaded. Yay!

thisaway - thataway

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