They came, they saw, they left. [ 2005-10-30, 7:31 a.m. ]

Yesterday was spent working with S. - a breakfast for some notable attendees of the Texas Book Festival. I overheard some interesting snippets of conversation which, sadly, I can't reproduce here but it was fun. I was also struck once again by the social awkwardness of S.'s employer, a man who has brokered peace and negotiated hostage releases all over the world, but who can't get through a simple conversation with stumbling and awkward pauses as he tries to gather his thoughts. It makes him quite charming. Writers and politicians are more talkers than eaters and we came home with lots of good leftovers, including peppered bacon, which I've never had in my life. Who knew bacon could be even BETTER????

Halloween was a sad and lonely affair here last year. Our street is somewhat rural and not very well lit and we only had ONE trick-or-treater - although we loaded him up so well that I suspect he may be back this year with a few friends. (Which means S. and I better stop eating all the Halloween candy...) Reading Harriet's description of her neighborhood Halloween get-together made me feel a bit wistful for Halloween past. I have great memories of early costumed jaunts through my southern California neighborhood - the couple who owned the Beech-Nut gum company lived in our neighborhood and we'd come home with a year's supply of Fruit Stripe and other chewy delights...but I think the best part of Halloween, for me, was always that I got to be outside at night. I was a night-time wanderer as a child (to the point that my parents finally had to put a lock on my door because they were afraid I'd get snatched on one of my nocturnal journeys) - to be outside in the dark has always been one of my favorite things and the candy was just a bonus.

My mom is coming to visit me this week - I can't wait. I miss her terribly but a nice fringe benefit of her coming HERE to visit is that I get her to myself (something that rarely happens if I visit home) and she tends to really relax and enjoy herself.

Work is going much better but I'm still keeping my eyes open for something else. I need to get out around more people. Have I mentioned that before? At all?

Much to do and even with the "extra" hour today, not much time to do it. Good morrow to you, internet citizens.


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