It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas... [ 2005-12-03, 11:53 a.m. ]

...threw up in our house. Gifts, packing materials, wrapping paper and other related items are strewn all over my office floor. I'm trying to get everything packed up and shipped by mid-week. Ack.

I asked my sister this morning what she thought we should get for MYSTERY BRO'S GIRLFRIEND. Her suggestion? "A personality." If only it were that easy...

My sister's eldest is coming down for a solo visit in two weeks and I can't wait. He's 15 now and specifically requested a trip without "All the little kids", so this is S. and my combined birthday/Xmas gift to him. He, like his auntie, loves the morbid and quirkier things in life so we have trips planned to THE MUSEUM OF FUNERAL HISTORY, THE ORANGE SHOW
and the THE WILSON HOUSE OF LAMINATES. I am excited.

I am also excited at the prospect of a holiday meetup with the lovely JULIA, whom I have met before and the equally lovely HARRIET, whom I have not. Yay for internet friends!

And now, I must join the throngs of the great unwashed at the post office. Wish me luck.

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