More randomosity. [ 2004-03-18, 7:19 a.m. ]

Last night after dinner, S. and I dragged a couple of chairs out into the field so we could look at the stars...and were rewarded with seeing a bright, beautiful shooting star.


In news that may interest you, I am watching a beautiful sunrise out the will be 83 sunny degrees here today...that's right... 83 hot wonderful degrees, honey. Suck it up.


My entire family called me last Saturday night and it gave me my first big wave of...not homesickness, but something like it. They were all at my mom's celebrating my sister's bday and it wrenched my heart a bit to be so far away...I spoke with my mom for quite a while and all her anxious worries, annoying when I am with her, made her seem more fragile from this distance.


There's a large flock of grackles that lands in some trees across the road every night around 6:30. One of S.'s cats positions himself in a tree early and waits, sometimes for almost an hour, for them to alight. (This is the cat who brought us the bird the other day.) Two nights ago, the flock swooped down into our front yard for a few moments and it was simultaneously cool and creepy - like a scene out of "The Birds".


This coming Monday marks one year since S. and I met. We will be returning to the scene of the crime for an overnight stay. It's a tiny hotel right on the banks of a beautiful river and I can't wait to be back there again.


I'm not sure I've ever fully explained how weird and wonderful the whole process of S. and I coming together has been.


And I'm still not sure I want to.


thisaway - thataway

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