My magnificent obsession... [ 2003-07-11, 6:47 p.m. ]

...came crashing down today for reasons involving wishful thinking and false hope and self-deception. I've decided you wouldn't have lingered...and it's just as well that you weren't here to watch me completely lose it over you. And if you ever do reappear, I'm sure you will be horrified to read all that occurred in my head after we met. But there it will stay as a reminder to myself of what a marvelous imagination I have...ha ha.


I am packed and ready. Locked and loaded. Dreading and, well, dreading.


VEG and I have hatched a plan for a new book that will set the world on its ear! It will shock! It will scandalize! Oh yes, it will include many...many...ellipses...!!!!!


I am also penning a short essay on relating to people via the internet - if any of you have any interesting stories about your experiences in this cyber-world, let me know. Particularly if they involve deception or bad behavior, as that is the focus of the article. I would prefer stories that relate to "platonic" situations - not internet dating/mating rituals - because frankly, that shit creeps me out. If I am going to use your story, I will get your approval first and you can remain anonymous.


Another missive received today: "The dream was strange because we were just sitting there and I was looking at you and neither of us were speaking." Which I think was someone's tactful way of saying "I knew it was a dream because your mouth was shut." And yes, I am deflecting your attempts at flirtation and you know why so stop it now, please.


Someone I used to know is staging a play I have no further comment.


thisaway - thataway

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