Miles. [ 2003-10-07, 6:03 a.m. ]

This distance can bite me. It can bite me hard and often.


My cat bit me on the chin this morning. I did not attempt to BEAT HIM DOWN WITH A MICROPHONE. I'm sorry that man was attacked but I am sorrier for the animals he and his friend have exploited over the years. Does that sound cold? Tough shit. They knew the job was dangerous when they took it. (Extra credit points to anyone who recognizes that last sentence...) Of course none of that sentiment will apply when I form my army of flying monkeys and begin my world takeover. You know what I'm sayin'...


My office task this week involves data entry, which is so numbing on one level but wonderful on another -- it gives my mind a lot of time to wander and I am dreaming up all kinds of crazy writing projects. I am keeping a little list on the desk next to me and jotting down notes as ideas come to me...


If monkeys really could fly, this would be a very messy world.


When I woke up this morning, I could see stars in the sky -- quite a few of them -- and it reminded me of a night not too long ago when I was standing in a gravel parking lot, leaning on someone's shoulder and looking up at the sky...


thisaway - thataway

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