Run, Forrest, run! [ 2003-10-12, 8:12 a.m. ]

I was gonna get up and run the marathon this morning but seriously, I think the only thing that would ever make me voluntarily run anywhere would be if someone was chasing me with a gun. And even then I would have to think about it. So I will sit and eat pie and read the paper instead...


My head hurts this morning. I'm sure it has something to do with my PBR consumption last night. *hic*


Yesterday was hijacked by the arrival of a package, which included many, many pictures I'd been longing to see...and a letter...and some other wonderful little gifts...There was a long list of things I needed to get done, but once the package arrived I sort of went off someplace in my head until it was time to meet Veg.


Today I must be productive. I totally blew off a writing project last week, so I have to get that finished up and then I will tackle the softball-sized balls of cat hair that are blowing through my apartment like tumbleweeds on the lone prairie...


Yeah, I'll get right on all that.


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