Good god. [ 2004-12-16, 7:03 a.m. ]

If I get any crabbier, someone is going to throw me in boiling water and eat me with butter. Or perhaps chop me up and make me into a delicious salad.
My employers gave me an incredibly generous holiday gift. So generous, in fact, it made me cry.
I have to fly in two days and as hard as I'm trying, I can't keep the tragedy scenarios out of my head. I hope no one will look askance when I order a cocktail on my 6:30am flight.
This trial thing is weighing on me. I'm not sure how much I should say about it in public but...let me just say that if you are a grown, strong man and your two-year-old stepson ends up dead at the bottom of the stairs with YOUR footprint on his abdomen and ruptured internal organs, and you are convicted of this really don't deserve a second trial based on some legal technicality. The fact that this guy is going to be able to traumatize everyone involved again makes me so intensely, hopelessly angry...
So, am I bumming everyone out enough?
I'll try to lighten up in a few days. Promise.

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