Home again, home again jiggity jig. [ 2004-12-27, 3:32 p.m. ]

Is it just me or have my entries been alternately boring and depressing lately? Or are they just boring and badly written? Or are they depressing and pointless? Don't answer, please.
Christmas in Chicago was cold but nice. Flying out of O'Hare the day after Christmas was cold and not nice. I ended up sitting next to the son of some people who used to donate money to a non-profit I worked for long ago. We chatted for a while and I asked him who was running the foundation now that his father had passed on. "I am", was his reply. This prompted me to ask him how I could go about proposing funding for a family I'm helping out, which in turn lead to his giving me his office phone number. Fingers crossed - these people really need help.
Wedding update: I think we might actually have invitations to send out this week. I've only had one anxiety dream about the wedding (that the wedding was starting and I realized I had forgotten to get shoes). The shoe issue is a bit troubling for me, as every single pair I've seen is ugly and too high-heeled. The search continues. Also, my mom gifted S. and I with possibly the world's ugliest cake knife and server for the wedding. Because they were a gift, I suppose we are obligated to use them but...ugh.

thisaway - thataway

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